pattern artist and designer
Stop. Line was a collaborative artwork created for Something’s Happening Here, an event to mark the beginning of Lancaster Arts’ three-year cultural programme, ‘Mill Race: Flow of Change’ that will explore the Mill Race area of Lancaster.
Participants painted their own road markings on the tarmac to create a big outdoor artwork that encouraged them to think about the everyday marks in the area that often go unnoticed.
Other artist participating in the event: GRAFT, Jamie Jenkinson, Maja Bugge, Steph Edwards, Unfolding Theatre, Emma Rucastle and David Boultbee.
Stop. Line was a collaborative artwork created for Something’s Happening Here, an event to mark the beginning of Lancaster Arts’ three-year cultural programme, ‘Mill Race: Flow of Change’ that will explore the Mill Race area of Lancaster.
Participants painted their own road markings on the tarmac to create a big outdoor artwork that encouraged them to think about the everyday marks in the area that often go unnoticed.
Other artist participating in the event: GRAFT, Jamie Jenkinson, Maja Bugge, Steph Edwards, Unfolding Theatre, Emma Rucastle and David Boultbee.